Hi Achim,

thank you for the additional information.
On 17.3.2013, at 18:36, Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> wrote:

> Carsten Dominik writes:
>> So these are not yet in his github repository?
> Yes they are, but not in the master branch.  You'll want to switch to
> the orgmanual branch for now.
>> I am a bit confused, so I give up for now, maybe you or Tom can send
>> around some instructions once there is a version accessible that will
>> work out of the box.
> This has been described elsewhere in this thread, it seems you missed
> that part:

Quite likely, I only spontaneously tried to compile the new manual and wanted 
to go the route with C-c C-e i t or something like this.  Inclusion in the 
built system is great, if this project succeeds.

I think I am doing everything right, but I still get the marker error.  So I 
fear something in my config might be acting up - there are several people who 
have reported now that they have produced the manual successfully.  Will try to 
isolate my issue.


- Carsten

> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/68117
> Now that there is an orgmanual branch already in Tom's repo on github,
> simply clone that one and the patch that instantiates the Makefile is
> already applied:
> cd orgmanual
> git checkout -b orgmanual orgmanual
> You still need to branch the Org repo and add the patch there, plus
> modify your local.mk, but then you'll be able to let the build system
> produce the manual for you.
> Regards,
> Achim.
> -- 
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