Bastien writes: > It was a problem with Org. I just removed the tests, which > pass fine when called interactively, but don't pass when run > in batch mode.
Since they did pass just until Emacs 24.3 was released (and still pass with earlier versions) that should maybe give you some pause before you sweep this failure under the rug. > I've been digging quite a lot and I don't understand why they > break in batch mode. Because the macro expansion doesn't produce the expected result, more specifically, the translation alist for the parent backend fails to copy into the child backend. This likely indicates that eager macro expansion is involved (one of the new things in Emacs 24.3) and may be a hint that the macro definition itself might need attention. Regards, Achim. -- +<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+ Factory and User Sound Singles for Waldorf rackAttack: