Hi Jerry,

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 02:57:14AM -0400, JBash wrote:
> Hello,
> I am apparently missing something very basic in the setup for beamer
> export.  I have used http://orgmode.org/worg/exporters/beamer/ox-beamer.html 
> as
> a guide and have:


> in my .emacs file.  As you can see from the attached files, I'm getting
> nested items rather than frames in the exported .tex file for the 3rd level
> headlines, as I'd expect.  I am using Org-mode version 8.0-pre
> (release_8.0-pre-33-g5c25ed and emacs 24.2.1.

I cannot replicate this problem with your example.  I have a few
questions though.

1. How do you check your org-version, M-x org-version RET?

2. Is the previously attached result with a minimal org setup?  If not,
   you should try that.

3. On first thought, you have a mixed installation and somehow the old
   exporter is taking over.  I would suggest you go over the mixed
   installation FAQ on Worg:


I suspect (3) because converting headlines to list is an old exporter
behaviour.  A mixed install can happen if you do not update the
load-path early enough in your setup before you start customising org
variables.  I think the FAQ entry above is not complete since this
information is missing, I'll try to update it when I can find the time.

Hope this helps,


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