Carsten, Stefan and others Let me table a proposal.
All parties - including me - unequivocally agree that interest of Emacs users should be kept in mind. I want to fork ox-html.el and ox-odt.el (as it stands today in Org repo) to GNU ELPA repo. I request that Emacs maintainers recognize the GNU ELPA version (maintained by me) as the authoritative official versions of these files that gets bundled with SUMO Emacs. Org maintainer can propose to merge fixes to the above files from Org "downstream" in to "upstream" Emacs GNU ELPA. I will oblige for an upstream push for most part but will exercise my own discretion on a patch by patch basis. In summary, Jambunathan +---------------+ | ox-html.el +--- push Emacs maintainer | ox-odt.el | \----- | GNU ELPA | \----- +--------------------+ | | \-->| | +---------------+ | lisp/org/ox-html.el| ^ Push | lisp/org/ox-odt.el | | | | | +--------------------+ | | Other org files | +------+---------+ /->| | | | /--- | | | Org repo | /---- | | | | /--- +--------------------+ | +-- push | | | | +----------------+ Org maintainer I have my differences with Bastien. The differences are well-known (but not well-understood) and as far as I am concerned those are ir-reconcilable. I want ox-html.el and ox-odt.el to be available to everyone (including Emacs/Org) but outside of Bastien's control. The above model requires one minor change: Users should be able to download the development versions of packages via a new GNU ELPA-dev. It seems complicated. But captures the disributed nature of Emacs development, IMO. What do you think? Consider it as a thought experiment. It will accommodate my wishes without shortchanging any users. ps: Let us set aside my copyright proposal for a while. Jambunathan K. --