Aloha Achim,

Achim Gratz <> writes:

> Thomas S. Dye writes:
>> Help?
> Nice riddle.  But here's what I think is happening: your macro expansion
> ends with a texinfo export snippet.  That export snippet is ignored by
> the the HTML backend as it should, but in doing so the post-blank that
> the export snippet has gobbled up greedily during parsing also
> vanishes.  What I'm unsure about is how it gets back into the game for
> the texinfo export, as the plain expansion does not seem to insert it.

Oh, I didn't realize there are two sets of html files generated. The
html generated by makeinfo --html is fine. The problem is with html
generated by Org.

I haven't worked with the new html exporter at all, so I won't be much
help debugging this (as if!). 

I'll need to wait for Jonathan or Nicolas to chime in.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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