Minor question, I frequently use inactive timestamps in org, and
noticed that M-q (fill-paragraph) will often combine my timestamp in
with the text I'm writing.

Is there a method to prevent that?


[2013-03-11 Mon 11:33]
This is a typical note.

[2013-03-11 Mon 11:33]
I did it again, but now I'm wrapping and it considers the timestamp as
text to be filled instead of excluded and kept on it's own line.

(apply M-q)

[2013-03-11 Mon 11:33] I did it again, but now I'm wrapping and it
considers the timestamp as text to be filled instead of excluded and
kept on it's own line.


Russell Adams                            rlad...@adamsinfoserv.com

PGP Key ID:     0x1160DCB3           http://www.adamsinfoserv.com/

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