aarone...@gmail.com writes:

> 2013ko martxoak 8an, Eric Schulte-ek idatzi zuen:
>> I would agree.  I don't believe *any* changes should take place in the
>> buffer when a code block is executed with ":results none".
> A common use case for me is to use a babel block to load a large dataset
> into R.  I want this to be cached, in the sense that I want it not to be
> run again (by e.g. C-c C-v C-b) unless the code changes.  But I also
> don’t want to see its result in the (mini)buffer.  Is there a way to
> accommodate this usage of the cache functionality?

Maybe a better solution would be to add a feature to avoid echoing very
large results to the minibuffer.  It should be very straightforward to
add a user customizable variable (e.g., `org-babel-max-echo-length' or
somesuch) which limits the number of characters echo'd to the

>> The hyphen should only be required for multi-word functions, e.g.,
>> `listp' has no hyphen but `hash-table-p' does have a hyphen.
> The context surrounding this code binds cache-p; the lack of a hyphen
> was just a typo in the patch.  I agree that cachep is more idiomatic (in
> fact, that is what led to the typo), but I tried to make the smallest
> possible patch to address my intention.

Ah, my fault for not completely reading and understanding your previous
post.  I'm currently working on a set of patches with Achim which should
(I believe) resolve this issue.

Eric Schulte

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