Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaz...@gmail.com> writes:

> From the user POV, it removes necessity to quote or escape characters.
> For example, these are now valid:
>   #+attr_latex: :font \footnotesize :align |l|c|c|
>   #+attr_foo: :prop var="value" :another-prop nil
> From the developer POV, each non-nil value is now read as a string by
> `org-export-read-attribute'.  So:
>   #+attr_something: :width 70
> will be read as:
>   '(:width "70")

Great, thanks!

> If there's no major problem with it, I'll apply it before Monday.
> Though, I think ox-odt needs double-checking.

How can we help with the double-checking?



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