Andreas Leha <> writes: > \footfullcite[prenote][postnote]{key}
What would prenote and postnote typically contain. Where would they appear in the exported document - In the citation reference or in the citation definition. Can the same key have different pre-note and post-note attached to it. I see "Note"s in Chicago-related style. Do these notes have anything to do with Chicago stuff. ps: I believe different faculties - by faculties I mean science, humanities, engineering, law etc. - have their own "preferred" citation style. So for the sake of discussion and finalizing the overall spec. it would be beneficial if people can circulate what styles they use and how it looks in the print format - journal or book. Sticking to LaTeX (alone) will only result it LaTeX only solution but not a cross-backend solution (A cross-backend solution is what Nicolas seems to be proposing right now.) --