Hi Achim, Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> writes:
> Thomas S. Dye writes: > […] >> I look forward to picking this project up again in a week or so, or >> learning from my Org colleagues that the project ought to be scuttled. > > Hi Tom, > > this looks good. Thanks for reviewing a work in progress. I'm really pleased it looks good to you. > > I've implemented a rough draft of a Makefile that integrates with the > build system (a clean target is still missing, etc.pp.). To use, clone > orgmanual.git in the Org worktree (don't add it, or add as a submodule), > then drop this Makefile into orgmanual/: These instructions assume more knowledge than I have. Could you be more specific about "in the Org worktree"? Should I create a branch where I do this? Or, should I put this in one of the upstream branches and arrange to push it into the Org repo? In any case, can you suggest a location? /contrib? /doc? > > BEXP=$(BATCH) \ > --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path "../lisp")' \ > --eval '(setq org-footnote-auto-adjust nil)' \ > -l ox-texinfo \ > --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'org-export-snippet-translation-alist > '"'"'("info" . "texinfo"))' > ORG2TEXI=-f org-texinfo-export-to-texinfo > ORG2INFO=--eval "(org-texinfo-compile \"./$<\")" > > orgmanual.texi: orgmanual.org > $(BEXP) $< $(ORG2TEXI) > orgmanual.info: orgmanual.texi > # $(BEXP) $< $(ORG2INFO) > $(MAKEINFO) --no-split $< -o $@ > orgmanual.pdf: LC_ALL=C # work around a bug in texi2dvi > orgmanual.pdf: LANG=C # work around a bug in texi2dvi > orgmanual.pdf: orgmanual.texi > $(TEXI2PDF) $< This seems straightforward. > > Also make a link (for now) to ../doc/org-version.inc and add this to > local.mk: > > .PHONY: orgmanual > orgmanual: > $(MAKE) -C $@ $@.info $@.pdf > I can do this, but then the orgmanual.info generated from the source will indicate the wrong version. Is that OK? I have instructions from Bastien how to cull all the changes to org.texi that have taken place since I started translating the manual to org several months ago. When I'm done going through those, then the link will indicate the correct version. > > A "make orgmanual" then exports to orgmanual.texi (slowly) and an info > file is produced by makeinfo, but texi2dvi does not want to produce a > PDF yet and errors out. The info file contains a few easily spotted > mistakes in the macro section like "~@{@{@{name(arg1,arg2)@~@}@}}" that > are quite probably the source of some of these errors. Thanks, I found these and have corrected them. There are probably more ... All the best, Tom -- Thomas S. Dye http://www.tsdye.com