2013ko otsailak 26an, Rasmus-ek idatzi zuen:
> I don't like it.  Why would we use resizebox rather than the the
> arguments in includegraphics for pictures?

Because it achieves the same result, but allows the operation to be more
uniform from the org side of things.  A \resizebox is something that org
can stuff any image into and have it be resized, so org doesn’t have to
deal with the different ways of resizing things.

One thing that might be suspected is that passing the width and height
to \includegraphics would allow it to scale down an image that is
included at less than 100% size, shrinking the resultant pdf.  But this
is not what happens (at least for jpg images), in my testing.

> For tikz figures resizing should be done via the scale argument to
> preserve the right font sizes.  If people want to resize a tikz figure
> they should do so in their tikz code.

There’s two ways of resizing tikz images: rescaling the distances
between things and leaving the text alone, or resizing the whole image
including the text.  This supports the latter.  Achim’s suggestion about
nested tikzpicture environments (which I intend to implement) takes care
of the former.

Aaron Ecay

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