Nick Dokos <> writes:


> I hope everybody does that. I use both the left and right control keys 
> depending
> on where the "controlled" key is: C-whatever is always a two-hand operation 
> for me.
> M-x is not however (they are close enough so that left thumb and index can do 
> the
> job): both right and left Alt keys are mapped to meta so there is no reason 
> it couldn't
> be other than habit. But I probably should get out of the habit.

As a previous sufferer of serious RSI, I always warn people against
key-chording that requires any contortion.  C-M-x (with x=anything on
the left half of the keyboard basically) is a bad thing.  In fact, often
anything with M- is bad for me.  I tend to avoid such key chords.  For
instance, for M-x, I have

   (global-set-key '[(control x) (control m)] 'execute-extended-command)

Actually, in practice, I use evil-mode everywhere so I have practically
no key chords!  For M-x, I type ", x"...  I have defined a number of key
org commands into the evil key maps and I'm a happy camper!

: Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D
: in Emacs and Org release_7.9.3f-1199-g3a0e55

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