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On 22/02/13 14:39, Bastien wrote:
> Hi Rainer,
> Rainer M Krug <r.m.k...@gmail.com> writes:
>> #ORG_ADD_CONTRIB = org-e-* org-md org-export # e.g. the new exporter
> The comment above was outdated since org-e-* files don't exist anymore.  I 
> updated it.

Didn't realise that...

>> So I would have to add
>> ORG_ADD_CONTRIB = org-notmuch
>> to the local.mk file
> This is correct and will tell Org to compile and install org-notmuch.el.
> But you will still have to require it in your configuration.

Ok - that makes sense. I just checked in my contrib/lisp and I only have .el 
there, so none are

>> Nevertheless, I would like to stick with a configutration which uses the 
>> normal compiled
>> version and all configurations are in one file (emacs.org), so I would 
>> prefer the require...
>> approach.
> Compiling, installing and requiring are three different things.
> The makefile rules take care of the first two, while your config file needs 
> to take care of the
> third one in any case.


> If you set the load-path to include the "contrib/lisp/" directory, then you 
> don't need to
> install org-notmuch, and (require 'org-notmuch) will find it.

Well - I don't install org, but just specify the load-path, so I have to 
specify that one as well.
No problem.

> If you don't want to bother setting the load-path for "contrib/lisp/" then 
> you want to install
> Org.  In this case, org-notmuch will not be installed unless you add the 
> org-notmuch" rule.

Ok - makes sense.

>> But I would like to have some clarification, what the differences are 
>> between the two
>> approaches and if (and if yes, why) it would be advisable to use the second 
>> approach.
> I hope the above clarifies things.

Absolutely - thanks.

> I don't install Org files, I use them from the git repo and configure the 
> require accordingly.
Yes - that is what I am doing as well.

Just for clarifications: is there any problem with adding


to the local.mk file, apart from slightly longer compilation times?

>> PS: I update my git almost daily via the following script:
> This should be enough
> ############################# #!/bin/sh cd ~/.emacs.d/org-mode-git/org-mode 
> make update 
> #############################

Ok - I'll change it accordingly.

Thanks a lot,


> HTH,

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