Hello again org world, org is real nice and all for my personnal organization, but I now have to communicate with others for some projects. Org-sync to the rescue, and as I dislike using hosted services like github or bitbucket, the natural choice is redmine.
So I installed redmine, tested it, and all is well under the sun. Except that org-sync (at least the redmine backend) seems to be lacking quite a bit. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that the most current org-sync comes from here: https://github.com/daimrod/org-sync With that, the first errors that I got came from org-element, so I installed org-element from git HEAD (as instructed in the doc). Then I have no lisp errors, but the result is not very useable. Issues import ok, but they are all closed in org, and the descriptions are missing the last character. If I sync what I imported, I get conflicts about the descriptions: local has descriptions minus one char, and remote has an additionnal «^M» at the end. I am offered to resolve the conflicts, but somehow this gets me duplicate issues at the next sync :-( Ok my non existent lisp knowledge would slow me to a crawl, but I can probably solve that problem. However the issues being interpreted as closed seems a bit further out of my reach. And this is after a quick small test, so I have no idea what lurks further down that road. If the whole org-sync is out of date and needs some rough love, there is no way I can tackle that with my level of lisp knowledge. So I get to ask if anyone that I'm not aware of is still currently working on org-sync, and if yes if they are interrested in fixing the redmine backend ? I can provide a test account and project on a recent redmine if that helps, and I can try to help a bit on the org-sync side, although my lisp knowledge is near zero and overall programming just a bit over that :-) But I'm willing to help and learn if some more competent soul is in it. Thanks, -- Rémi