I use emacs-24, org-mode from git, el-get from git. Each morning I update org-mode, make clean && make.
About 2-3 days ago, I noticed the org-export dispatcher wasn't working. Then I saw increasing functional areas of org returning errors re: function definition void: : org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c: Symbol's function definition is void: org-element-context : Updating dynamic block `clocktable' at line 100276... : org-clocktable-write-default: Symbol's function definition is void: org-table-align To eliminate possible interactions of recent changes. I've checked out org-mode from a week ago, and same with el-get. There is no change in the problem. I've removed el-get .loaddefs.el[c], and allowed them to regenerate. Any suggestions on how to debug? It certainly could be el-get and nothing to do with org-mode. Thanks, Jeff