Nick Dokos <> writes:

> Bastien <> wrote:
>> PS: I wonder if *any* of the menu item is used... as I don't use the
>> menu myself, it's hard to tell.
> I do: there are many things I use rarely[fn:1] (e.g. archiving, drawers,
> properties, even marking TODOs outside the agenda: was that C-c t or C-c
> C-t now?) that I have not got into my finger memory. The menu is a
> useful crutch for me in those cases: I use the menu the first time,
> put the key chord into short-term memory and forget about it as soon
> as I'm done. Two weeks later, I start from scratch :-)
> Nick
> Footnotes:
> [fn:1] An imprecise term, but for me that means "less often than once a week".
>        YMMV. And as one gets older, that mileage changes - DAMHIKT :-)

My experience resembles Nick's.  The menus save me lots of time.  I'm
not sure what DAMHIKT means, but there is no doubt that mileage changes
with age.

The term "key chord" puzzled me for a long time, until a colleague
pointed out that it is possible to "play" a computer running Emacs, just
like playing a piano.  I was stunned!

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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