
we are almost done migrating to the new exporter, currently the only 
showstopper is index generation, a feature we find very useful for our software 
documentation, here is an example generated with an older org version: 

We tried to locate the problem with Org-mode version 7.9.3e and it might be in 
ox-publish.el: org-publish-org-to seems to be called for each org file of our 
HTML "publishing project", this is the only mention of 
org-publish-collect-index which is supposed to be installed as a parse tree 
However, (if we are not mistaken) org-publish-collect-index is never called and 
this might be the reason why no index entries are generated.    

The only unusual comments in the message buffer are "timestamp delimiter start 
was not found" which might be "cosmetic".

Many thanks for any help with this.
Warm regards,
Dr. Stefan Vollmar, Dipl.-Phys.
Head of IT group
Max-Planck-Institut für neurologische Forschung
Gleuelerstr. 50, 50931 Köln, Germany
Tel.: +49-221-4726-213  FAX +49-221-4726-298
Tel.: +49-221-478-5713  Mobile: 0160-93874279
Email: voll...@nf.mpg.de   http://www.nf.mpg.de

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