Hi, people.

In the recent days, I noticed that org-store-link, when the cursor is on
the #+TITLE line of an Org file, saves the information in such a way
that a later org-insert-link creates the link by repeating the title
before and after "::".  I think that not so long ago, the "::" and what
follows was not there.

The effect is that when one tries to follow a link with the title
repeated before and after "::", Org asks if it should create the header.
I quickly read on the list, not so long ago, that someone else described
a similar problem; I guess it might be the same problem.

For example, I have a "Testing.org" file which begins with:

   #+TITLE: Testing

The inserted link corresponding to this first file is:


while it should probably be:


The link comment likely comes from the text after #+TITLE, which is OK.


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