
Trying out the new exporter and hoping to have it work with o-blog ...

A bug occurs with org-html-format-latex (in ox-html.el) when called from a 
non-file buffer. In the context of o-blog, it gets called as 
(org-html-format-latex "$x$" 'mathjax) but still tries to bind some ltxpng 
related support. This ends up calling file-name-sans-extension to the output of 
(file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) which is nil ...

Crashing in such a case makes sense for ltxpng but not for mathjax.

This makes it work:

diff --git a/lisp/ox-html.el b/lisp/ox-html.el
index f4fc27b..03e09aa 100644
--- a/lisp/ox-html.el
+++ b/lisp/ox-html.el
@@ -1994,8 +1994,8 @@ CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual 
(defun org-html-format-latex (latex-frag processing-type)
(let* ((cache-relpath
(concat "ltxpng/" (file-name-sans-extension
- (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)))))
- (cache-dir (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name )))
+ (file-name-nondirectory (or (buffer-file-name) "")))))
+ (cache-dir (file-name-directory (or (buffer-file-name) "")))
(display-msg "Creating LaTeX Image..."))


but feels like the wrong solution, probably cache-relpath and cache-dir should 
be set to nil in such a case ...



Vincent Beffara

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