Hello Worgers, Amidsts all the commotion about documentation for the new exporter, I committed a very early incomplete draft article documenting the new beamer exporter.
<http://orgmode.org/cgit.cgi/worg.git/commit/?id=d7dfb6133bcea0127d0c386334a833e8ac64323e> But I see that it is not being published. I got the following publishing error after pushing my commit. remote: Publishing file /home/emacs/git/worg/org-tutorials/org-beamer/org-e-beamer.org using `org-publish-org-to-html' remote: Exporting... remote: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil remote: worg publish process 16964 exited at 02/05/13@07:01:27 Any ideas? -- Suvayu Open source is the future. It sets us free.