Bastien <> writes:
> Can you give an indication on how it impacts the generation of agenda?
> This is a potential blocker.

It should not impact agenda generation at all - neither feature nor
performance-wise.  All non-trivial changes are in parts of the code that
directly relate to orgstruct-mode or
org-\(forward\|backward\)-heading-same-level.  These functions and their
internals are not used non-interactively.

> Also, we won't be able to apply such a change until you assign your
> copyright to the FSF.  I'm not asking you to go through this now
> because I'm not sure we should apply the patch, but just to let you
> know.

I am familiar with the procedure.  The copyright of this patch goes to
the FSF, of course, and I have FSF papers signed.


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