Bastien writes:
> Hi Florian,
> Florian Beck <> writes:
>> I can live with setting `ly-gen-pdf', but maybe something like
>> (pcase (file-name-extension out-file)
>>         ("pdf" "--pdf ")
>>         ("ps" "--ps ")
>>         ("png" "--png ")
>>         (t "--png "))
>> would be even better?
> Indeed.  This is now the case, thanks!

This would be a bug, I believe you should use backquotes on the string
constants if indeed pcase should wend its way into Org (this would be
the only place using it):

(pcase (file-name-extension out-file)
        (`"pdf" "--pdf ")
        (`"ps" "--ps ")
        (`"png" "--png ")
        (t "--png "))

But wouldn't something like

(or (cdr (assoc (file-name-extension out-file)
                '(("pdf" . "--pdf ")
                  ("ps" . "--ps ")
                  ("png" . "--png "))))
    "--png ")

work just as well?

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