Sebastien Vauban writes:
> Wait, wait, wait...
> When reading the backtrace even more carefully, this 3rd observation is not
> what's said by the error message: "../contrib" is not (I guess Achim is right)
> the problem here, but the fact that `find-library-name' fails to find "org".
> So, the problem comes down to the fact that the following...
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>   (require 'find-func)
>   (find-library-name "org")
> #+end_src
> ... does fail with the latest Cygwin [1]:

I remember... that bug has since been fixed in Org.  As a workaround,
install the emacs-el package which contains the source files to prevent
this from happening with that particular version of Emacs/Org on Cygwin.

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