Bastien writes:
> I don't like it for at least these reasons:
> - it introduces an advice in the code -- we should work toward
>   removing them, not adding them.

That's the mechanism Emacs provides for dealing with those situations.

I could do it without an advice, but it would still do the same things,
namely unload all features that have been shadowed by changing load-path
so that they can be re-loaded from the correct place.  It may have
escaped your attention, but the advice is de-activated at the earliest
possible moment and will not affect any later uses of require.

> - it advices `require', which is a very core function in Emacs.

Which has been discussed on Emacs devel and has been pronounced safe in
this case.

> This is completely hackish.

Like a few hundred other places in Emacs and Org.  Also, when some day
Emacs will perhaps solve the problem, the solution will likely be
something very similar: renaming the require primitive and creating a
wrapper in Lisp that does what the advice is doing.

> This is like telling Windows users to reboot their system so that it
> can works correctly (remember the old days?).  It feels wrong.  And I 
> doubt we can educate the users -- there are many of them, and many
> don't have the time to tell they have a problem.

So why are you trying to educate users not to use ELPA when you think
it's a waste of time?

> I'm not sure what solution you suggest here.

A problem produced by a certain piece of software should be fixed by
that same software.  For example, if starter-kit insists on loading Org
before things are ready, it should also unload Org after it is finished
using it and before the actual initialization commences.

> In general, I think the benefit of having several ELPA distributions
> of Org is not worth the trouble of dealing with installation issues.

You're confusing me.  Do you want to remove Org from ELPA or not?

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