David Engster <d...@randomsample.de> writes:


> I think I found a better solution. I pushed a change to org-caldav which
> allows to set org-icalendar-timezone to the string "UTC", which will put
> events using universal time. The server should then transpose it to the
> timezone you have set in your SOGo preferences. It works for me (for
> SOGo, mind you; other calendar servers don't work well with that).


for those of us not using SOGo (I use Google), what should we do?  I've
not updated the version of org-caldav I'm using yet.

By the way, I will take this opportunity to say that org-caldav is
working like a charm for me.  Although I haven't really pushed it to the
limits, for day to day stuff it's working very well.  I've had to clear
out the org-caldav-xxx.el file in .emacs.d a couple of times but that's
typically due to my doing things on the same entry in both calendar
systems (org and Google).  However, clearing out the file and having
org-caldav re-sync everything from scratch is a simple and good enough
solution for when problems arise.

Thanks again,

: Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D
: in Emacs and Org release_7.9.3d-837-ge37613

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