On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 4:35 AM, Søren Aagaard Mikkelsen <so...@aamikkelsen.dk> wrote: > I have used orgmode for a while, but hasn't used any of its advanced > features that much. I'm currently writing a minutes report and what to > export a specific subtree, e.g. > > * Minutes from <2013-01-11> > > * Minutes from <2013-01-18> <--- Want to export this only > > Then I press C-c @, which marks the subtree, and then I press C-c C-e > and export it as a pdf-document. > > The problem is that I want the top section to remain the same, i.e. "Minutes > from > <2013-01-18>" is the top section and the others to be subsection of > that. > > Currently, it surely exports the right subtree but the top-section is > not "Minutes from <2013-01-18>", but the bullet after that.
I get the same behavior. Does it need to export it in a "tree" like format, or would you be okay with your top level headline (the one you want exported, but which is currently not) being the actual title of the document? Or is that what you're currently getting. With default settings (org-export-latex-title-command "\\maketitle"), I get the top-most headline of the marked subtree as my document title and the next level headline as the first section. Is this what you're getting, or the top headline text isn't showing up in the document at all? If having it as the title would work, you would get: ---------- [centered]Minutes from <2013-01-18>[centered] A bit of white space Any text directly under "Minutes from <2013-01-18>"... [section] The first headline under "Minutes from <2013-01-18>" [section] text under that headline [section 2] The second headline under "Minutes from <2013-01-18>" [section] text under that headline ---------- If it's just the centered text/bit white space gap you don't like, I'm sure there's LaTeX header arguments you could put in your Org document or setupfile to left-align the title and remove the space. What do you think of that option? Also... just to save you *one* keystroke, you can put your cursor on the headline of interest and do =C-e 1 p=, which I think does the same as marking the whole subtree with =C-c @ C-e p=. John > >