Hi Thomas,

thanks for your reply!

Sure I know Bernt Hansen's web page and I'm already using his configuration
for my system. (I'm still learning Emacs and org-mode, so it was easier to
start with an existing setup).

I already know and use the capture and refile feature,
my problem is that I have the feeling to do more administration of tasks
than really doing them if I track such projects like the one described with
org-mode and create a sub-task for each step.
Especially as I'd have to re-type each time again the name of the project if
I want it to appear in my agenda explicitly and not only:
WAITING John: Feedback
(and I would not know which text it is about).

> Von: "Thomas S. Dye" <t...@tsdye.com>
> Datum: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 11:39:13 -1000
> An: M <elwood...@web.de>
> Cc: emacs orgmode-mailinglist <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org>
> Betreff: Re: How to deal with small projects which are often changing their
> status/ person
> A terrific source of ideas about how to organize projects with Org mode
> is Bernt Hansen's web page, http://doc.norang.ca/org-mode.html
> See especially his section 6 about adding tasks quickly with Capture.

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