* Memnon Anon <gegendosenflei...@googlemail.com> wrote: > > Two days later, no reply so far. I'll give it a shot. > Karl, if you are still fiddling to make it work, ignore this posting > and keep trying. :)
Well, the hook in combination with the ARCHIVE tag did resolve my current issue quite nicely. However, I follow ELISP lessons with great pleasure independent of my current issues :-) But thanks to my time budget, it's low priority for now. :-( I did accomplish some advancement in the last weeks. I could fix some if/when issues in my configuration and I do get the feeling that meanwhile, I am able to judge the quality or the side-effects of ELISP snippets I copy/copied from other people. Even this limited knowledge gives me way more power over my Emacs than before. The core of ELISP is not that huge at all. So far, I tend to think that one key aspect of programming in ELISP is knowing, what functions are out there, waiting to be used to accomplish a task. And learning/finding all these handy functions is not trivial to me. Especially in such a huge project like Org-mode. Even more off-topic: I cleaned out some very old things and summarized my Emacs config in (currently) two files.[1] And I am thinking of moving it to Emacs initialization with babel[2] but so far, I am not sure, if there are that many advantages over the current situation. 1. https://github.com/novoid/dot-emacs 2. http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/intro.html#literate-programming -- Karl Voit