
I have test1.org file (see below [1]) which I want to export to latex. However
when exporting to latex (both using org-export and org-export-dispatch), the
content of RESULTS is missing in the resulting test1.tex (see below [2]).
What is the reason for that?

One year ago when exporting the same file with ":results org replace" the output
was wrapped with "begin_org ... end_org" now it is wrapped with "begin_src org
..." then the export to latex gives verbatim or lstlisting environments... Any
hints what to do to get the previous behaviour? 

test1.org contents:
#+title: Testing org export to latex
#+STARTUP: showall
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil creator:nil

* Headline

- first list item

foo bar

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results drawer replace
  (let ((t1 ""))
  (setq t1 (concat t1 (format "- foo \n\n$a = \\unit[%.3f]{m}$\n\n" 3.0)))
  (setq t1 (concat t1 (format "- bar \n\n$b = \\unit[%.3f]{m}$\n\n" 6.0)))
  (concat t1))

- second list item

$a = \unit[3.000]{m}$

- third list item

$b = \unit[6.000]{m}$


[2] test1.tex:
% Created 2013-01-18 Fri 16:21

\title{Testing org export to latex}



\item first list item

foo bar

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