
I recently switched from having several Graphviz files to inlining
them via Babel in my source Org file. However, I noticed something
that might either be strange, or might just mean I don't yet
understand some stuff (as a relative newbie): I usually follow this
pattern to include my graphics:

    #+attr_html: height="350"
    #+attr_latex: width=0.5\textwidth

    This is the caption for foo.png

But if I try to replace this [[./img/foo.png]] with a
«#+begin_src dot» block, it does not get picked up by Babel (and ends
up in the generated document as a syntax-highlighted block — So,
clearly, org-mode understands it's a source block, but Babel ignores

I currently commented out the #+begin_center and #+end_center
statements, but I'd really like to have them back. Or, at least, to
find a more proper way to mark the images (and captions!) as material
that should be distinguished from the flowing text. Something along
the lines of the LaTeX «figure» environment.


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