Ha, I got it ! When displaying the end time of an interval in agenda view, org-agenda transforms the initial time stamp to minutes, adds the default length to that and maps back to a time stamp using org-minutes-to-clocksum-string. The problem being that this functions checks org-time-clocksum-use-effort-durations and if set to t, uses that in the formatting. Meaning that "8:00" is displayed as "1d 0:00" instead, and "17:30" as "2d 1:30" and so on.
I am afraid to change the code, so I just customized org-time-clocksum-use-effort-durations to nil and everything works for now. But presumably this should be fixed by letting it be nil while formatting the end timestamp, somewhere near line 6404 of org-agenda.el ? HTH, Cheers, /vincent -- Vincent Beffara On Monday, January 14, 2013 at 11:50 , Vincent Beffara wrote: > Hi, > > Updated org today (release_7.9.3d-823-gd06fa4), and the times displayed in > agenda-view for events of default duration look as if the duration was chosen > to be 17 hours: I get this, > > Talks: 14:30-1d 7:30sdf : lskdfjlskdjf > Talks: 17:30-18:30 sdfsdfs : sdf > > > (Here the second one has a timestamp like <... 17:30-18:30> and the first one > like <... 14:30>.) Everything works out when pushed using org-caldav, so I > believe this is just hapening during display. What is happening ? > > BTW, my org-agenda-default-appointment-duration is set to 60. > > Best, > > -- > Vincent Beffara