
in case anyone is interested, here is a short report what I found out:

+ I tested mobileorg on my Android phone without encryption and with synchronization via Ubuntu one. Seems to work. However: I do not want to store unencrypted org-files on a remote server.

+ I am able to enscrypt files through emacs but I am not able to decrypt these files on my smartphones.

+ I was confused reading something like "Be sure you are using MobileOrg 1.5+ and Org-mode 7.02+" and "Next, open MobileOrg and enter your encryption password in the Settings tab. Perform a sync, and you are done." [1] It turned out, that this is only meant for the iPhone version.

+ It seems to be possible to set up decryption via APG on an Android phone but I have not found out how. See e.g. [2] I found other hints on the web, which state, that all files to be used by mobileorg and enscryption should have a file ending like "pgp". Some people say you have to decrypt files manually. I stopped experimenting though, it obviously seems quite complecated.

+ Nevertheless it's very tempting to have all my org-notes and schedules on my phone. I will wait until I can manage to make sure that encryption is being used.


[1] <http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/doc/getting-started/encryption/>
[2] <https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/mobileorg-android/LqswbeNoyAQ>

Am 22.12.2012 12:40, schrieb Martin Butz:

does anyone have a working and fully functional orgmobile installation
on a smartphone with Android 2.3.6 (meine: Samsung Ace)?

It seems, that mine is not complete. E.g. using the setup wizard I was
prompted to provide a folder for the storage of the org-files. But I
could not set this option, because I was not able to choose a folder.
Nevertheless the synchronization with Ubuntu One basically works
although I do not have a clue, where mobileorg stores the files.

The next problem is, I use encryption (org-mobile-use-encryption), which
works. But how can I bring orgmobile to descrypt the files?


| G. Martin Butz, m...@mkblog.org, 0421 98749324, www.mkblog.org |

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