Wiskey 5 Alpha <wiskey5al...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
>    I have a rather large project that I currently export to odt
> files. I tried the org-export-as-odt-batch command line function but
> it fails, 

Can you tell how it fails. In your init file (the one used by batch
emacs), you can put

    (setq debug-on-error t)

to get a stack trace or some such info.

> and subsequently deletes all files in the directory.

Deletes what files?

>    What i would *really* like is to publish the directory of org
> files, with a command like =org-publish-org-to-odt=.  Is there a way
> to do this currently ?

Currently there is no way to do it.  How is your publishing setup like?

> -Tim

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