On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Jeff Mickey <j...@codemac.net> wrote:

> Hey Org mailing list!
> So, I have been using org for years (2006?) now, absolutely adore it.
> The generic org-export in contrib really excites me as well, I want to
> try and write an org-e-mediawiki.el after I learn some more about
> org's implementation.
> However.. my current issue: I'd like to sort my todo's by when I
> entered them. So in my capture template I put an inactive timestamp at
> the bottom, so my headlines look something like:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> * Todo
> ** TODO call mom
> - Ask about christmas
> - Talk about Dad
> - See if she bought a dog
>    [2012-12-05 Wed 16:36]
> ** TODO Yet another thing
>    [2012-12-05 Wed 16:37]
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> I'd love to have a way to bring up the agenda and have it sorted by
> this ctime I'm manually inserting. Do people have suggestions on the
> best way to support this?
Two thoughts:

1) I recently requested a feature addition like this for sparse trees and
Bastian quickly and awesomely added it:
- http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/55501

I wonder if something similar could be added to agenda to allow for what
you want?

2) On that note, have you looked at the agenda log mode? It seems that it's
nearly got what you're looking for, except at the moment it only allows for
things with inactive time stamps that are todo state changes, clocked, or
have been marked done.

Perhaps log mode could have a "journal" mode in which all time stamped
items are extracted?

I'm thinking someone will have to add a tweak to current functionality.
There's a bit I found when googling that org-mode can sort by timestamps --
I'm assuming this means to rearrange actual headlines in the file, which is
probably not what you want. Perhaps the build in sorting combined with the
above could get you the view you're looking for.

Best regards,

> Maybe add a property to my TODOs that is this creation time?
> Has anyone else done something similar to this using
> org-agenda-cmp-user-defined?
> ... is this the wrong place to ask this question?
> I appreciate any and all help!
>   //  jeff

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