Stephen Eglen writes:
> David Engster <deng <at>> writes:
>> Bastien writes:
>> > David Engster <deng <at>> writes:
>> >> That is very strange. It should first
>> >> ask: "Username [for Google CalDAV]:". If it does not do that, maybe you
>> >> have that information in your .authinfo?
>> >
>> > I have this:
>> >
>> > machine login bastienguerry <at> password xxxxxx
>> Since we're connecting to this shouldn't matter, obviously,
>> thus I'm at a loss why it doesn't ask. I currently cannot test anything
>> reliably because I'm on vacation and there's no 3G around here, so I'm
>> afraid this has to wait a bit. Unless "someone" beats me to it. 

> did either of you resolve this problem about org-caldav just asking for the
> password, and not the username?  I am now trying org-caldav, and am seeing the
> same problem.  Happy to debug further if you can tell me which functions to 
> look
> into.

I'm at a loss why this happens, and I could not reproduce it with my
account. This problem really has nothing to do with org-caldav, since it
is delegating this part to the url package. As I've already written to
Bastien, please try


If this doesn't ask for your username, then there's your
problem. Depending on the Emacs version you're using, you might want to

(setq auth-source-debug t)

to see whether some .netrc file or similar is setting the username for
you (look into the *Messages* buffer).


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