Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com> writes:

> 2012ko azaroak 16an, Eric Schulte-ek idatzi zuen:
>> The attached patch adds a "really-silent" results header argument.  To
>> see the impact compare the running time of the following two code
>> blocks.
> Unfortunately, the attached patch doesn’t work correctly.  This can be
> seen by replacing the “seq” command in your examples with a command that
> has side effects – notify-send, aplay, etc.  In the :results none” case,
> the command is not run at all.
> That’s because the “(funcall cmd body params)” call at l. 574 of ob.el
> (patched version) has been put in a branch that is only run if :results
> != none.  That funcall is responsible for actually evaluating the code
> block.

Oh!, thanks for catching this, I just pushed up a fix.

> (The indentation of the patch as applied isn’t correct – the two
> branches of the if on l. 565 are indented at the same depth as each
> other, and as the if.  So it’s possible that the problem is due to a
> paren in the wrong place.  But I cannot see a way to make this approach
> work.)

Yes, sometimes I find this approach to be preferable to make the diffs
more readable and to avoid over-indentation in very large functions.

> The code generating the slowdown is in backend-specific files.  So, for
> example, a new branch needs to be added to the case statements in
> org-babel-R-evaluate(-session), to detect the :results none case and not
> read the result.  I suspect that each backend will need this treatment
> (unless some of them share code).
> In the meantime, attached to this email is a patch that implements a
> size check on reading results.  If the results file is over 10kb, it
> asks the user whether to proceed.  You can test this by evaluating:
> #+begin_src sh :results silent
>   seq 10000
> #+end_src
> 10kb of results actually doesn’t result in a very serious hang (~5sec on
> my system).  But I chose the value as more of a sanity check – odds are
> (?) that very few people want to see 10k of results in the (mini)buffer.
> The value could be made customizable.
> I also chose the polarity of the y-or-n-p so that picking the default
> (yes) option does the sensible thing of not hanging emacs, although it
> thus does discard data.  I’m not sure which is the worse problem.

I may be outvoted, but I find this approach too be overly complicated.
Also, size may frequently not be the best proxy for the time which Emacs
will take to ingest the results.


> From 1053f3acfc21f24fc994ae85adff6779838b0ce7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
> From: Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 19:26:43 -0500
> Subject: [PATCH] lisp/ob.el: add a size check to
>  `org-babel-import-elisp-from-file'
> Reading large results can cause emacs to hang for a long time.  Ask the
> user whether to proceed in such cases.
> Signed-off-by: Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com>
> ---
>  lisp/ob.el | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
>  1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/lisp/ob.el b/lisp/ob.el
> index bf4b455..b2385e9 100644
> --- a/lisp/ob.el
> +++ b/lisp/ob.el
> @@ -2462,24 +2462,30 @@ appropriate."
>  (defun org-babel-import-elisp-from-file (file-name &optional separator)
>    "Read the results located at FILE-NAME into an elisp table.
>  If the table is trivial, then return it as a scalar."
> -  (let (result)
> -    (save-window-excursion
> -      (with-temp-buffer
> -     (condition-case err
> -         (progn
> -           (org-table-import file-name separator)
> -           (delete-file file-name)
> -           (setq result (mapcar (lambda (row)
> -                                  (mapcar #'org-babel-string-read row))
> -                                (org-table-to-lisp))))
> -       (error (message "Error reading results: %s" err) nil)))
> -      (if (null (cdr result)) ;; if result is trivial vector, then scalarize 
> it
> -       (if (consp (car result))
> -           (if (null (cdr (car result)))
> -               (caar result)
> -             result)
> -         (car result))
> -     result))))
> +  (let* ((file-size (nth 7 (file-attributes file-name)))
> +         (can-load (or (< file-size (* 10 1024)) ; 10kb
> +                       (not (y-or-n-p (concat "Displaying the block's large "
> +                                              "results may hang emacs; skip "
> +                                              "reading them?"))))))
> +    (when can-load
> +      (let (result)
> +        (save-window-excursion
> +          (with-temp-buffer
> +            (condition-case err
> +                (progn
> +                  (org-table-import file-name separator)
> +                  (delete-file file-name)
> +                  (setq result (mapcar (lambda (row)
> +                                         (mapcar #'org-babel-string-read 
> row))
> +                                       (org-table-to-lisp))))
> +              (error (message "Error reading results: %s" err) nil)))
> +          (if (null (cdr result)) ;; if result is trivial vector, then 
> scalarize it
> +              (if (consp (car result))
> +                  (if (null (cdr (car result)))
> +                      (caar result)
> +                    result)
> +                (car result))
> +            result))))))
>  (defun org-babel-string-read (cell)
>    "Strip nested \"s from around strings."
> -- 
> 1.8.0

Eric Schulte

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