
It has been a while since I've posted or said anything, but right now at
work it's the mad dash before the holidays. I've been keeping the Groff
exporter up to date from the changes in the main repository with the
exception of the past few days because of Sandy. 

Sandy, the hurricane, that is. You see, I live in New Jersey and the
hurricane made landfall about 2 hours drive from my house. Which meant
that during that time, I lost power, Internet and almost sanity. 

I had to chop wood for the stove every morning, fixed the fence's 
door after somebody decided to wreck it for no reason, sleep in 
the futon near the stove to avoid hypothermia and using the garage 
as a fridge. 

Other than that, we're ok. :) Seriously, compared with other folks in the
state, we did pretty well. It really hit hard. 

I hope to resume improving the exporter with the outstanding items now
that the Thanksgiving holidays approach which I should have some free
time code some of the items. 

If there are any issues that you want me to look, please let me know.


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

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