Hello Francesco,

"Francesco Pizzolante" wrote:
> I'm having an issue when jumping from the C-c a a / v c view (check log view
> in the agenda view) to a clock line.
> Here's a small example.
> #+begin_src org
> * My tasks
> ** First task
>    :LOGBOOK:
>    CLOCK: [2012-10-22 Mon 13:00]--[2012-10-22 Mon 14:30] =>  1:00
>    CLOCK: [2012-10-23 Tue 13:00]--[2012-10-23 Tue 14:30] =>  1:00
>    CLOCK: [2012-10-24 Wed 13:00]--[2012-10-24 Wed 14:30] =>  1:00
>    :END:
> #+end_src
> In the agenda view (C-c a a) for Wed 24, enable the check view (v c), then
> press ENTER on the log line for "First task", you jump to the corresponding
> heading (First task) but it positions the cursor just after the :LOGBOOK:
> keyword and the drawer remains closed.
> The previous and correct behaviour was to jump to the corresponding line (in
> the example, the third clock line) in the opened drawer.
> I'm using org-mode version 7.9.2 (release_7.9.2-53-g93040f).

I confirm having observed this regression as well (over the last month or so).

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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