Hi, When I put #+TITLE in a block example and try to export an Org file in HTML (with org-export), results are unexpected :
Org file -- #+TITLE: Testing example block #+begin_example #+TITLE: My title #+end_example HTML file -- [..] <title>My title</title> [..] To obtain expected results, I found two solutions : - prefix "#+TITLE: My title" with ';' - put "#+TITLE: Testing example block" *after* "#+TITLE: My title" To my mind, example is a protecting-block. Therefore, as mentionned in org-protecting-blocks documentation, his content should not be "processed as Org syntax". Regards, -- Emacs : GNU Emacs 24.2.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.4.4) of 2012-08-28 on shaun Package: Org-mode version 7.9.2 (7.9.2-dist @ /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/) Value of org-exporting-blocks : ("src" "example" "latex" "ascii" "html" "docbook" "ditaa" "dot" "r" "R") Tested with org-minimal.el.