I've been catching up on the mailing list, and thinking about my personal use case versus other typical patterns. I thought I would share a thought with the group.
I would divide use cases into three main cohorts: - /org-planning/: org files consist mostly of planning and tracking content (lets call this =flow=). What is being worked on in this type of usage (lets call this =stuff=) exists predominantly outside the org-mode environment. - /org-everywhere/: both the =stuff= and the =flow= exist within an org file. Org-mode is everywhere (and that's how we like it, oi!). - /org-anywhere/: where the =flow= gets applied to the =stuff= by making the =stuff= an org file. But it's more about the =stuff= then the =flow=. I'm in the /org-anywhere/ category. I use org-mode as a plain-text content creation tool utilising headers, plain lists, tables, babel and export technology (=stuff=) and, sometimes, I use scheduling, deadlines, =todo= state tracking and the agenda (=flow=). As a result, I - don't like the visual clutter of dates outside of drawers, or drawers - love column view and header cycling - often find myself stripping an org file completely of org =flow= guff and not just to export but because seeing a deadline way in the past is bad for morale (just saying). - I can and do ignore the agenda for weeks at a time. So, for the way my brain thinks, there are a few org-mode design features that get in the way. - a =blank= =todo= state is implicitly seen as not a state at all. I see it as a state (which often is =done=). - scheduled and deadline dates cannot be stored in drawers - drawers cannot be completely hidden - I would like a org-remove-all-(flow)-guff option Does anyone have similar issues? I'd like to have a go at fixing some of this but would like to know if it would be generally useful to others, and what priorities may be. Tony