Sanjib Sikder <> wrote: > Hi, Dokos, > > Thanks again. > > After incorporating those lines, I am getting following error. > > File error: Cannot open load file, org-e-latex > > If it is complex (as I am new in orgmode), then I will go for normal latex > instead of orgmode for > this particular task as I have a template for IEEEtran but I would love to do > the job in orgmode. > > Eagerly waiting for your comments >
Two options: o if you are not going to use the new exporter, just delete the two lines: (require 'org-e-latex) (add-to-list 'org-e-latex-classes ieeetran-class t) o alternatively, teach emacs where to find org-e-latex by augmenting the load-path: (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/org/mode/contrib/lisp") This needs to be done before the (require 'org-e-latex) and of course, the path needs to be modified for your particular setup. Nick