In org-html-export-list-line, Org list elements use the expected "dt", "dd" and "li" tags:
(insert (cond ((equal type "d") (format "<dt>%s</dt><dd>" desc-tag)) ((and (equal type "o") counter) (format "<li value=\"%s\">" counter)) (t "<li>"))) But the exporter also uses HTML list elements in other contexts; the tags are overloaded. This means you can't set up CSS definitions to tweak just "real" lists. Can someone add class attributes to each of the "dt", "dd" and "li" items in the above code block? For example <dt class="org-dt">...</dt> <dd class="org-dd">...</dd> <li class="org-li">...</li> or something similar. This should provide enough hooks for people to work with. Thanks, Derek -- Derek Upham