I would really like to use org-sync to keep my org file and redmine in sync. Unfortunately , this is completly unusable for me at the moment. I followed the instructions , but it just clears the buffer of any text and doesnt do anything else. There are messages in the *Messages* buffer saying that it is pulling tickets, but they are not added to the buffer, and i get the following error:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil) substring(nil 0 -1) (replace-regexp-in-string "^" ": " (substring (org-element-property :value fixed-width) 0 -1)) org-element-fixed-width-interpreter((fixed-width (:value nil)) nil) funcall(org-element-fixed-width-interpreter (fixed-width (:value nil)) nil) (cond ((not type) (mapconcat ... data "")) ((eq type ...) (mapconcat ... ... "")) ((stringp data) data) ((not ...) (funcall ... data nil)) (t (let* ... ...))) (let* ((type ...) (results ...)) (if (memq type ...) results (let ... ...))) org-element-interpret-data((fixed-width (:value nil)) (section nil (property-drawer (:properties ...)) (fixed-width (:value nil)))) ... Any idea where i should look for what may be causing the error ? -Tim