"Org has its own definition for a paragraph, which, apparently, doesn't
match yours.
A paragraph ends either at a blank line, at the end of the buffer, or at
the start of another non-paragraph element. In particular, indentation
is unrelated to paragraph boundaries."
If your definition of a paragraph excludes every single publication of
fiction and nonfiction in the history of written language, you may want
to rethink your definition. I think Charles Dickens knew what a
paragraph boundary was.
Actually, it's worse than that: even if you agree that everyone using a
computer should now separate all paragraphs with a blank line, it still
means that for any form of writing with closely packed separate lines,
such as song lyrics, poetry, Shakespeare plays, or even basic lists of
todo items, org-mode no longer lets you shift the lines around.
I propose we implement an org-property value to decide which definition
of "element" org-metaup should use. I'm glad to see an exception was
made for node property, but that's only one of many, many problem cases.
Trevor Vartanoff