At Wed, 19 Sep 2012 12:08:21 -0500,
Russell Adams wrote:

On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 09:15:35AM -0700, Eric Lubeck wrote:
> One of my particular concerns is this: I'm accustomed to using a
> chronological laboratory notebook for recording all of my data.  The
> agenda views in org-mode seem to provide a means to retrieve
> chronological information out of my outlines, but I would than need
> to timestamp every single entry in my outline.  Is there a means for
> doing this?  Currently I am manually typing C-u C-c ! , but it would
> be helpful to have something automatically configured to timestamp
> and place the time in a drawer for any entry in a particular file.


   I have the following setup in order to keep cronological notes.

* In my capture templates I have the following :

  #+begin_src elisp
        ("j" "Journal entry" entry
         (file make-journal-file-name )
         "* %? :journal:REVIEW: \n %u")
   and I've defined the function like so :

  #+begin_src elisp 
   (defun make-journal-file-name ()
     (concat "~/Planner/Journal/" (format-time-string "%Y.%m.%d.%a" nil) ".org" 
  That way, to create a new entry I just hit 'C-c c j'

  which gives me the following :
  *  :journal:REVIEW: 
    [2012-09-20 Thu]

  in the file ~/Planner/Journal/

  Please let me know if any of that is unclear.

  Hope that helps, 


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