At Mon, 10 Sep 2012 00:37:40 +0800, James Harkins wrote: > > Have to admit, I'm getting a wee bit cross as it's 12:30 at night here, and > all I wanted to do was save a link to a beamer-export .org file into another > org file, and it keeps giving the link a hex ID that I *do not want*. > > I have customized org-url-hexify-p -- C-h v org-url-hexify-p shows:
My bad, wrong variable. I should have customized "Org Link To Org Use Id." Now I see hexify is to turn, e.g., <spc> into %20. I'm still really confused how the ID options work. Last night, I could not get org to generate a link without creating an ID (using the default value of org-link-to-org-use-id). Now, I tried to verify what happens with ID-style links, so I customized org-link-to-org-use-id to be 't' -- and org now refuses to generate the ID. ??? This is even after saving the custom setting, quitting and relaunching emacs. It simply is not making the link according to the variable. (The link target is an org file.) Anyway, I'm going to set that variable to nil, and just hope that tomorrow org won't interpret nil to mean "I'll make whatever link style I choose, thank you very much." hjh -- James Harkins /// dewdrop world "Come said the Muse, Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted, Sing me the universal." -- Whitman blog: audio clips: more audio: