12 days ago someone created a LinkedIn group for Org Mode ( http://j.mp/TmQK5R).
I've now joined the group bringing the total group members to 2. Two things. - I don't think the Org Mode group was announced to this email list. Problem resolved with this email :-D - I would like to create a LinkedIn Company for Org Mode. LinkedIn allows you to list charitable work you have done for organizations. I have listed Org Mode as an organization as an ad hoc organization to which I have donated. I think it would be nice to have an official company/organization for people to list Org Mode in their LinkedIn profile. I think it would benefit individuals to be able to list an official company and benefit Org Mode to have the extra publicity. Assuming the powers that be think having an official LinkedIn company/organization is a good idea, I can either create it or leave it to one of the major Org Mode engineers to create it. (Instructions available at http://j.mp/TmQK5R). Neil