Achim Gratz <> writes:

> Bastien writes:
>> Are you both talking about the same thing?  
> I'm not sure, but we'll find out.
>> (I use ELPA* to denote other ELPA archives than GNU ELPA.)
>> If this is about a org-*.tar ELPA* package containing both
>> *core* and *contrib*, I disagree.
>> If this is about a org-contrib*.tar ELPA* (or wherever), I
>> agree.
> I was talking about the hypothetical possibility to offer another
> archive that is compatible with package manager and either packages Org
> including contrib or just contrib (so that it could be installed
> alongside the "normal" Org ELPA archive).
> Of these two options the first (canned Org + contrib/ in a single
> archive) is considerably easier to implement since all autoload
> dependencies are kept inside the same install.

This first option of a combined org+contrib package in a non-GNU ELPA*
does sound like the easiest to implement and most likely to succeed (for
the reasons Achim mentions above).  Is there a downside to such a
combined package which I am missing?

Perhaps such a package could be called org-w-contrib or more simply

>> Hopefully we can define dependencies for packages living on
>> different ELPA* serveurs -- can someone confirm this?
> I don't think that's possible if I understand what you're asking.  When
> you configure multiple servers the package manager will treat all
> packages the same, you can't prefer packages on one server over another
> AFAIK — it choses the one with the highest version if the same package
> is offered from multiple sources.

Confirmed, when specifying a dependency you are only allowed to give the
name and the minimum version number.  Which server the package is
downloaded from is undefined.

>> If we are sure we can have a org-contrib in ELPA* that knows what org it
>> should rely on GNU ELPA, then let's go ahead with such package.
> That on the other hand would be possible if we find a way to sort out
> the autoloads maze.  But we might avoid that problem altogether if we
> simply offer the Org+contrib package on and tell people to
> download it and then issue "M-x package-install-file".

Assuming that simply specifying org as a dependency of org-contrib is
insufficient, then I would think that this combined install would be the
way to go.


> Regards,
> Achim.

Eric Schulte

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