maroony <> writes:

> Bastien <bzg <at>> writes:
>> Achim Gratz <Stromeko <at>> writes:
>> > None of those functions are interactive, so you can't run them with
>> > M-x.
>> `org-notify-start' is now interactive in git.
> Thanks for your answers! The new notify package sounds very interesting, but 
> it 
> would be great to see some more documentation for it.
> At the moment I don't know how to set a notify property on an todo-item. A 
> small 
> example would be very helpful.

Try this:

    M-x find-library RET org-notify.el RET

and look through the header.  I am seeing this and I don't know how
helpful or true it is.

,---- From org-notify.el
| Get notifications, when there is something to do.  Sometimes, you
| need a reminder a few days before a deadline, e.g. to buy a
| present for a birthday, and then another notification one hour
| before to have enough time to choose the right clothes.  For
| other events, e.g. rolling the dustbin to the roadside once per
| week, you probably need another kind of notification strategy.
| This package tries to satisfy the various needs.
| In order to activate this package, you must add the following
| code into your .emacs:
|   (require 'org-notify)
|   (org-notify-start)
| Example setup:
| (org-notify-add 'appt
|                 '(:time "-1s" :period "20s" :duration 10
|                   :actions (-message -ding))
|                 '(:time "15m" :period "2m" :duration 100
|                   :actions -notify)
|                 '(:time "2h" :period "5m" :actions -message)
|                 '(:time "3d" :actions -email))
| This means for todo-items with `notify' property set to `appt': 3
| days before deadline, send a reminder-email, 2 hours before
| deadline, start to send messages every 5 minutes, then 15 minutes
| before deadline, start to pop up notification windows every 2
| minutes.  The timeout of the window is set to 100 seconds.
| Finally, when deadline is overdue, send messages and make noise."



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