I'm happy to announce Aurélien and Andrew both passed the final
evaluation for their GSoC.  Join me in congratulating them :)

See their code in action:

Aurélien's Org-sync:

Andrew's Org Merge driver (put your own favorite music):

If you want to test the code:

  ~$ git clone git://orgmode.org/org-sync.git
  ~$ git clone git://orgmode.org/org-merge-driver.git

I'm really glad they went so far in these projects, despite
the fact that I could not support them as much as I wanted.

Here are some notes they shared with me about their project,
don't hesitate to pick up some news and ask questions.


Org-sync -- Use online bugtrackers from Emacs with Org-mode

Org-sync uses a new parser for Org documents and provides a generic
interface to add new backends.

Tutorial, code, screencast (demo) and documentation available at


What works:
- cache system to prevent fetching everything everytime
- conflict resolution
- synchronization

What doesn't:
- no bugzilla, google code, google task and toodledoo backends
- no conversion from online service markup to org syntax.

What works:
- add new bugs
- change status, description, title, etc
- change/create/remove tags

What doesn't:
- milestones ignored

What works:
- delete/add new bugs
- change status, description, title, type, etc

What doesn't:
- components, versions, milestones ignored

What works:
- delete/add new bugs
- change title and description

What doesn't:
- almost every other field is ignored
- not tested very well

Remember the milk
What works:
- import existing tasks

What doesn't:
- synchronization not implemented

1: [http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/gsoc2012/student-projects/org-sync/]

Org-Merge Driver -- Merge Org Mode documents

The project webpage is available at:
There is small (soundless) demonstration here:

What Works

- Parsing Org files into data structures
- A system for matching and merging arbitrary lists of data
- Element movement detection
- A system for supporting new types of element
- A testing framework, and a number of tests


- recognize and merge priority and stat cookies
- recognize and merge TODO states
- recognize and merge TAGS
- support movement detection of UID'ed headings


- Merge text blocks using a line-by-line merge strategy


- Recognize properties in a property drawer
- Properly deal with value updates

What doesn't work

- Does not support more encodings than UTF-8
- Some movement updates will give unexpected results

Possible Future Features

- Able to specify different merge software for different types of blocks
- Footnotes support
- Date Tree support


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